We are committed
Happy Birthday – we celebrate 30 years and continue to stand for sustainable spatial development between urban, suburban, and rural areas. We, TERRA URBANA, Umlandentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, see it as our task to harmonize the social and economic demands on space with its ecological functions and to develop it into a region with equal living conditions, not only for the metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg.
From the initial focus on the remediation of contaminated sites, we have developed a comprehensive portfolio in the two business areas of environmental planning and environmental technology. TERRA URBANA has grown into a nationally and internationally operating planning and suburban development company with 15 employees.
The quality of life is strongly linked to environmental quality, both in the city and in the countryside. Therefore, our goals are to enable excellent environmental qualities and standards, achieved through a multifunctional set of skills in ecologically oriented environmental planning and the application-oriented research and development of innovative, clean and sustainable environmental technologies.
TERRA URBANA is involved in networks and association work on national and international levels and is also active in development cooperation in the Global South.

Förderverband Humus (FVH) e. V.
The Förderverband Humus (FVH) e.V. promotes nationwide the sustainable management of soils, focusing on soil fertility and climate change.

The SEGENA e.V. association stands for the sustainable socio-ecological exchange of knowledge and technology between Namibia and Germany.

Network AgWa4Food
We are a network partner of AGWA4Food, a network dedicated to the secure and sustainable production and supply of food in areas with challenging climatic conditions and poor infrastructure.

Network Microalgae
We are a network partner in the internationally oriented innovation network “Mircoalgae-Sustainable Source of High-Quality Natural Substances”. This network aims to biotechnologically and industrially utilize microalgae as a source for producing high-quality natural substances in various application areas.

Volunteer Member of the Foreign Trade Committee of the IHK Potsdam
TERRA URBANA contributes to important regional economic issues at the intersection of science and research, in the context of development cooperation, and with a focus on small businesses.

Network EMITI
EMITI brings together scientific and economic expertise to collaboratively achieve sustainable developments in the fields of agricultural animal husbandry and health, as well as in feed and food production.

Gütegemeinschaft Kompost-Ost e. V.
Organizes a voluntary quality assurance for high-quality compost and fermentation products made from organic and/or green waste.

Focuses on the technical and process optimization of standalone aquaculture and its integration with a suitable plant culture.