Start / Environmental planning
Our environmental planning expertise
The sustainable safeguarding and functional development of our ecosystems are the focus of our activities.
The aim is to preserve and develop the diversity of species and biotic communities typical of the natural environment, to safeguard and promote biologically functional soils and water cycles and to protect the bioclimate and unimpaired air.
Species/nature conservation and landscape planning
Range of services for species and nature conservation planning
Planning, conceptualization and implementation of species and nature conservation measures:
- Compensation and replacement measures
- Mapping services
- Landscape planning (green structure plans, landscape plans)
- Maintenance and development plans
- Planning of land pool/ecological account measures
- Avoidance measures
Ecological monitoring and success monitoring
Range of environmental assessment services
Monitoring of environmental/nature conservation-related approval procedures, including construction supervision and ecological construction monitoring/environmental construction monitoring.
Environmental assessment and evaluation of construction projects:
- Specialist species protection reports incl. applications for exceptions
- Impact and compensation assessments
- FFH compatibility studies
Landscape conservation plans - Environmental reports for development plans
- Environmental impact studies /UVS / UVP)
Range of services for watercourse development
- Application for water law permits in accordance with § 8 WHG
- Sampling of groundwater, surface water and sediments
- Near-natural hydraulic engineering for small bodies of water (HOAI LP 1-9) incl. special services
- Planning, implementation and monitoring for standing and flowing waters
- Environmental construction supervision
- Ecological construction supervision
More than 30 years of experience
At TERRA URBANA, we tailor our services precisely to your requirements. Whether it’s a small draft strategy or comprehensive planning – we take our time for you.
Our spectrum covers all HOAI service phases. However, individual expert opinions and planning work can also be commissioned.
Soil, contaminated sites and disposal
Range of services Plant approval and monitoring
- Waste management officer in accordance with §§ 58-60 of the Closed Substance
- Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- Coordination of specialist planners and other parties involved in the planning process
- Planning of composting and recycling facilities (BauGB and BlmSchG)
- Modification of existing plants
Range of services Unsealing and demolition work
- Tendering and awarding in accordance with VOB/A
- Construction supervision, environmental construction supervision/soil science construction supervision
- Inventory and mass balancing
- Preparation of pollutant registers, dismantling and disposal concept
Range of services Waste disposal and waste management
- Waste-related construction and external monitoring
- Processing of the electronic waste records procedure (ZEDAL)
- Disposal of mineral waste
- Sampling in accordance with PN 98 and specialist and project-specific evaluation of mineral substitute building materials
Soil and contaminated sites
- Waste-related construction and external monitoring
- Disposal and waste management
- Exploration and investigation of suspected contaminated sites incl. sampling and analysis
- Management of waste registers
Design, planning, implementation and aftercare/utilization of measures to secure and recultivate contaminated sites - Remediation of harmful soil changes